Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Security of Electronic Health Records †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Security of Electronic Health Records. Answer: Introduction: A record management system is an information storage and retrieval system that acts as an authoritative source for particular information. The mode can be manual or electronic. Manual record keeping systems include the filing, while electronic storage systems are computer-based databases. Notably, the records system must ensure security and data integrity to prevent discrepancies during information storage and retrieval. According to (Maguire, 2005) electronic record keeping is more efficient, easy to locate and secure; however, they are liable to file format conversion, time frame changes, multiple edits, and bugs. Also, paper-based filing is time-consuming and susceptible to damage by fire or floods. The record management systems should be easily accessible, up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive. For instance, in real estate, the sold prices, listings and property appraisals are routinely stored to provide information for audit, and other business operations. Records systems ensure information preservation, timely availability, accurate updating, and more accessible control of resources such as computers and space (Demirtela Bayram, 2014). For example, in real estate, the landlord can easily access information regarding the tenants security and rent payment. In this way, the concept ensures necessary property information and unit specific expenses are readily available. The unit costs include worksheets, security deposits, depreciation, and fees; while essential information consists of repair receipts, insurance documents, mortgage papers and instruction manuals. According to (Tough, 2011) excellent record keeping helps maximize profits, measure business performance and protect the investment. Notably, records are the basis of electronic and physical documentation consisting of business details, legal agreements, and transaction amounts and dates. For example, property appraisals detail information on the market value of real estate property. Today, most businesses utilize the electronic record systems to store information, update and generate reports when required. The concept is advantageous compared to the manual filing system in that data is stored for longer and securely. Cumming (2007) suggests that good record systems for the real estate business include the sold properties, sales prices, listings and sales figures, property appraisals, rental ranges, rental vacancy rates, sales reports and comparisons between agencies and client expectations of prices, sales, and rental fields with the actual costs. Notably, record keeping in the real estate business depends on the transaction files, length of time and disclosure provisions specified by the sales representatives, brokers and real estate developers. In this way, record systems prevent money laundering and corporate espionage because receipts, invoices, and checks are readily available. The record systems are subject to legislative rules and regulations such as the Proceeds of Crime Act. Information storage is essential for business records because it allows real estate agents to examine and analyze current trends and developments in the industry. Further, it will enable potential tenants to analyze local sales before deciding on the suitable residency. Examples of record systems in real estate include the property appraisals; listings and sales figures; sold properties; rental vacancy rates; sales prices; rental ranges and returns; and agency property management reports. Schreier, Wilson Resnik (2006) suggests that property appraisals indicate the economic value of the real estate business. However, the evaluation relies on the appraiser, market value, and the insured property. Notably, a written appraisal is essential for property buying, selling, insuring and mortgaging of the real estate business. Further, it allows evaluation of cases involving compensation of destroyed or damaged property. According to (Ngoepe, 2015) listings includes placing the firms shares on the stocks lists for the stock exchange. Sales figures and listings of real estate businesses allow the owners to assess the tenants confidentiality and their overall sales within a particular period. Notably, sales prices are the actual costs of which property sold. Johnston (2005) suggests that sales prices allow real estate agents to analyze the market depending on previous sales and propose values of the available products. Further, the sales reports provide information for potential tenants who are interested in buying and selling the property. Ryan (2005) suggests that rental ranges and returns allow the owners to determine the expected returns from the investment before maintenance fees, tax deductions, and other costs. Further, agency property management and sales reports enable the companies to record sold properties for audit purposes. Notably, records on past, existing and prospective clients allows real estate agencies to identify contacts and other valuable assets relating to the tenants. Maguire (2005) explains that good record systems must ensure the safety of the stored information. In this way, the agencies prevent fraud, identity theft, and corporate espionage. Further, the concept allows protection of information from unauthorized use, access, inspection, theft, modification, and destruction. According to (Ngoepe, 2015) security entails methodologies and processes created to ensure confidentiality of record management systems. For instance, paper-based records are backed-up in different locations for protection from floods or fire. Another method of providing security for hard copy documents is safe storage to avoid damage or theft. Backing up involves copying virtual or physical files to secondary storage in case of any catastrophe or equipment failure (Khan Batool, 2016). The concept allows rapid and reliable retrieval of the duplicated copies in case need arises. Further, it prevents information corruption and deletion. Real estate firms must restrict backup files to authorized employees only this prevents crucial passing information to unscrupulous personnel. Further, real estate companies can create a security policy limiting access to the record keeping system this protects physical records and electronic documentation from unauthorized personnel. Smyth (2005) suggests that hackers target the information storage systems, and therefore, companies must ensure proper storage of information in a secure facility. Win (2005) demonstrates that record systems relating to real estate involve accounting journals and a summary of all business transactions. Primarily, the business checkbook allows for future reference. In this case, proper record keeping is essential in preventing misunderstandings and unfair claims from the agencies employees. Notably, the records system details information of current tenants which allows easy monitoring of the rental property. Lomas (2010) suggests that sales price enable the agents to analyze and estimate the market value of their real estate property this attracts potential tenants seeking cost-effective accommodation. Record-keeping is essential in that it allows secure and efficient information storage. For the agency in Jonesville, the record management system will involve both manual and electronic filing. For instance, files consisting information such as sales prices, rental vacancy rates, sales prices, rental ranges and returns and property appraisals should be physically documented and safely stored on shelves. On the other hand, electronic documentation will involve property appraisals, agency listings, and necessary information regarding the clients. In this case, information storage features in databases management systems (DBMS) such as MySQL. The database allows secure storage of data and sequential access for authorized personnel only (Blansit, 2008). Further, MySQL enables information modification, addition, rearranging and updating of the records. Notably, information regarding the 200 properties from another agency and 15 exclusive properties for sale will be backed up in software such as the Microsoft SQL Server. In this way, data storage takes place in case of loss from the primary sources. Staff training is a crucial sector in any organization; it aims to effectively direct and manage labor provisions for an organization to achieve their desired targets. The primary functions of the human resource are to access the performance, development, training, selection, and recruitment of human labor force. Also, they are typically responsible for managing promotions and dismissals to the employees (Liu et al., 2014). Adequate employee training should incorporate the age difference. Among employee, the age difference allows development of various generations depending on the training methods utilized. Strategies used in continuing professional development of employees clustered in age groups. The cluster is necessary because professional goals for young employees differ from their older counterparts. Young entry stage business employees are still timid in undertaking various business procedures. Employees at this stage need more formal training to improve their performance in d ealing with the system (Sharma, 2016). Middle ages employees need practice for them to realize the best specialization. Employees who are nearing retirement have different mentalities they require training to improve with their commitment with the system (Pool et al., 2015). Practical training on software systems includes employee engagement in software selection this helps them understand the benefits of the new system. Further, it makes the system more endearing to the employees and creates awareness about the software's usability.While implementing the new software packages, the agency will set definite and measurable learning objectives for what workers are going to achieve from the training. For instance, when implementing the MySQL database, provide employees with transactional entries to retrieve particular information this develops their ability to relate the practice to real-life situations. Since the agency's workers occur across a varied region, with different time zones, online coaching is suitable. The practice occurs from a given set-up room and requires the internet connection for employee interaction. In this case, pre-requisite coaching takes place via e-learning and other emerging learning platforms. During this step, the employees become conversant with the software packages and business methods relating to its application. Online training is efficient and cost-effective because it saves the workers productive hours. Further, the approach provides updates of the area unit and necessary changes to the package software processes and steps. The action involves developing coaching modules as per the responsibilities and roles of the workers. Sharma (2016) suggests that the course should consist of a spectrum of characters, rather than one duty. In this case, workers undergo training on the software functions about their roles and responsibilities. Notably, role-based coaching involves training workers in individual departments on the supported tasks and daily usage of the software package (Voegtlin et al., 2015). The step makes the training relevant and enhances its worth. Feedback in software package training sessions is essential this is because it helps the trainer to wedge the user acceptance of newly installed software. Meng Arunkumar (2018)explains that collecting feedback builds necessary enhancements to the educational program. The step involves supporting queries, suggestions, views, and doubts that allow the trainer to improve the training methods continually. Employees will fill the sample table after training Question Training to be done here by the trainer. Trainees feedback Dou you know what the system explains? Explanation of the functioning of the system in general. Do you understand the functioning of the system? Is the system relevant to the organization? Explanations of the benefits of the system to the organization Do you think the system is beneficial to your workplace? Explanations of the benefits of the system to the users What is your overall experience with the system? Showing employees all the functionings of the system The flowchart below shows the sequence of how events will happen in training. References Schreier, A., Wilson, K., Resnik, D. (2006). Academic Research Record-Keeping: Best Practices for Individuals, Group Leaders, and Institutions. PMC , 42-47. Arunkumar, G. M. (2018). Construction of employee training program evaluation system of three exponential forecast based on the sliding window. Cluster Computing, 1-6. Batool, Y. K. (2016). PERCEIVED RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT COMMERCIAL BANK IN PESHAWAR. Journal of Management Research (JMR), 2 (2), 140-160. Bayram, H. D. (2014). The efficiency of Electronic Records Management Systems: Turkey and Example of Ministry of Development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 147 (25), 189-196. Blansit, D. (2008). The Basics of Relational Databases Using MySQL. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 3 (3), 135-148. Voegtlin et al. (2015). How to empower employees: using training to enhance work units' collective empowerment. International Journal of Manpower, 36 (3), 354-373. Cumming, K. (2007). Purposeful data: the roles and purposes of recordkeeping metadata. Records Management Journal, 17 (3), 186-200. Johnston, G. (2005). The benefits of electronic records management systems: a general review of published and some unpublished cases. Records Management Journal, 15 (3), 131-140. Liu, Z. (2014). Chinese firms' sustainable development-The role of future orientation, environmental commitment, and employee training. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31 (1), 195-213. Lomas, E. (2010). Information governance: information security and access within a UK context. Records Management Journal, 20 (2), 182-198. Maguire, R. (2005). Lessons learned from implementing an electronic records management system. Records Management Journal, 15 (3), 150-157. Ngoepe, M. (2015). Justice delayed is justice denied: Records management and the travesty of justice in South Africa. Records Management Journal, 25 (3), 288-305. Pool, A. (2015). Strategies for continuing professional development among younger, middle-aged old: A biographical approach. International Journal of Business Records Studies, 52 (5), 939-950. Ryan, D. (2005). The future of managing electronic records. Records Management Journal, 15 (3), 128-130. Sharma, P. (2016). Employee training and motivation as the predictors of Job performance: Empirical evidence from Indian Insurance Sector. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 6 (2), 276-289. Smyth, Z. (2005). Implementing EDRM: has it provided the benefits expected? Records Management Journal, 15 (3), 141-149. Tough, A. (2011). Accountability, open government and record keeping: time to think again? Records Management Journal, 21 (3), 225-236. Win, K. T. (2005). A review of Security of Electronic Health Records. Health Information Management Journal, 34 (1), 13 - 18.

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