Friday, February 28, 2020

The Economy of Leesville Louisiana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

The Economy of Leesville Louisiana - Essay Example Hubbard for grinding corn and sawing lumber. The first commodity store was opened by Daniel brown and his brother in the year 1868. On the west bank of the creek Newburn H. Guinnthe divided the land and sold out by making allotment for various business ventures. In 1870 he named the society as Leesburg. A post office was set up in 1873 and in the year 1874 the name was changed to Leesville. Growing cotton became the major occupation in this area after the Civil War. In 1900 railway construction was developed and by mid-1930s highways was also set up. Ranching, peanut and melon farming are the major occupations in Leesville. During 1968 to 1990 the population of the city was 150 and by the year 2000 it had seven rated business (Brown, n.d.). There is diversification of business within Louisiana. The government is very cooperating and keeps the upcoming entrepreneurs posted with the resources available for developing an enterprise within the state. The state of Louisiana is basically an industry based economy. The industry is mainly based on the natural resources like timber, natural gas, oil and water. The gross state product in 2001 was $148.7 billion out of which mining contributed $28.1 billion (Louisiana Economy, n.d.). In spite of a worsening economic situation across Unites States, many residents of Leesville are enjoying abatement from the pain of fiscal suffering. According to Rand Alford, the owner of Alford Motors, Leesville’s condition is much better than many other states of America. His auto sales business has won recognition for his successful business ventures from the Leesville Rotary Club. He considered the city of Leesville to be safer and secured due to the presence of military in their area. Most of the business persons are of opinion that people of Leesville are fortunate enough to rescue to some extent from the economic crisis that has affected the national economy. As stated by Tammy Brafa, the managing broker of Magnolia

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Water, Flexibility and the Tao Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Water, Flexibility and the Tao - Essay Example This verse of the Tao Te Ching holds up water as a model for human flexibilty and adaptiveness. Water, it says, is softer than any elements in its way, and yet it dissolves those elements with its very gentleness. This is true in nature, of course. Water turns rocks into sand, making soft what is hard. Many things dissolve in water, when all the water is able to do is flow around those elements. Water yields to anything in its way, a phenomenon easily seen by any mountain stream. Water yields to a rock in its way, flowing around it. In this way the â€Å"gentle overcomes the rigid,† and the water finds its way to the sea without being stopped by boulders or fallen trees. As the Tao says, everyone has seen this, but few are able to make this truth work for themselves, in their own lives. This difficulty stems from the human tendency to direct our own actions, and can be solved by an understanding of the Tao as the natural state to which things can return. In a commentary by the Center for Taoist Thought and Fellowship, the writer suggests that people misinterpret this verse, thinking that being flexible like water means being weak. However, most people do not see the small bits of hardness that are in water. â€Å"It is not the water which attacks the hard and strong, it is the little tiny bits of hard and strong suspended in the water which do the job.† This suggestion gives the verse a new meaning, allowing the reader not to be solely soft but to allow his or her softness to surround a powerful hardness.